How To Enroll

Fidelis Care is here to help you enroll in the right health coverage for your needs and budget. Once you know the health coverage you qualify for, there are three ways you can enroll:

Call 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547), TTY: 771

Medicare Advantage and Dual Advantage:  1-800-860-8707, TTY: 771

Fidelis Care At Home:  1-800-688-7422, TTY: 771

Visit Us

Find a Fidelis Care office near you. Make an appointment, or walk right in during regular business hours!

Enroll Online

Via NY State of Health: Visit and click on "Get Started."

Medicare: Use our online application!


¿Tiene preguntas sobre su cobertura médica? Encuentre una oficina comunitaria de Fidelis Care cerca de usted.

Obtenga una cotización

Cuéntenos más sobre usted para encontrar planes calificados y estimar costos.